Hummingbird Journal of Contemporary Education Research (HUJCER) Vol.20 (8) June, 2020

Hummingbird Journal of Contemporary Education Research (HUJCER)

Vol. 20 (8) June, 2020. ISSN: 2080-4909

Published by: Hummingbird Publications and Research International,

Centre for Trans-Saharan Studies, University of Maiduguri, UNIMAID,

Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

E-MAIL: PHONE: +234-802-5604-997


Entrenching Peace and Development in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions through Effective Leadership and Good Governance Strategies


*Rev. Fr. W.N. Ofojebe (PhD.) and **T.C. Ezugoh

*Department of Educational Management and Policy, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State. **Department of Educational Foundations, Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, P.M.B. 1044 Asaba, Delta State



The Nigerian tertiary institutions are citadel of academic learning established with many objectives for manpower training and development. Achievement of the goals and objectives of tertiary educational institutions depends on how effective the leaders are in order to accomplish these educational goals and objectives. The effectiveness of leadership in the tertiary institutions also determines institutional governance of these educational institutions. Therefore, leadership in the various tertiary institutions highly influence other subordinates’ actions, behaviours, attitude to work, commitment and job performance. They are responsible for maintaining peace and unity which leads to development in the tertiary institutions. Upon this note, this paper focused on entrenching peace and development in the Nigerian tertiary institutions through effective leadership and good governance strategies. Few concepts were defined in the paper as: peace, development, Nigerian tertiary institutions, leadership, good governance and strategies. Further discussed in the paper were the various leadership positions entrenching peace and development in the Nigerian tertiary institutions, leadership styles entrenching peace and development in the Nigerian tertiary institutions, the qualities of effective leadership for good governance, peace and development in institutions, components of good governance entrenching in the Nigerian tertiary institutions, importance of maintaining effective leadership and good governance for peace keeping and development in tertiary institutions, issues bordering  peace and development in Nigerian tertiary institutions demanding for effective leadership and good governance and the responsibilities of effective leadership for entrenching peace and development in the Nigerian tertiary institutions. The paper further discussed effective leadership strategies utilized by administrators necessary for entrenching peace and development in the Nigerian tertiary institutions. In conclusion, recommendations were made as way forward towards entrenching peace and development in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Among these recommendations include that leadership in the various Nigerian tertiary institutions should deploy effective leadership and good governance strategies for entrenching peace and development in the institutions. Leadership should apply effective leadership styles and good governance practices in managing the institutional affairs for entrenching peace and development in the institutions.

Keyword: Entrenching, Peace, Development, Nigerian tertiary institutions, Effective, Leadership, Good Governance, Strategies




Curriculum Implementation in Secondary School on National Cohesion and Global Competitiveness


Ifunanya N. Ohamobi (Ph.D), Ifeyinwa .F. Manafa (Ph.D), Gloria .C. Osegbue

Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus, Anambra State, Nigeria.



This study examined the level of curriculum implementation at the secondary school on national cohesion and global competitiveness. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was all the 262 principals and 5970 teachers of public secondary schools in Anambra State. The sample of the study was all the principals in public secondary school in Anambra State and stratified random sampling technique was used to select 60 teachers from the six education zone in Anambra State totaling 360 respondents. Data were collected using structured questionnaire of 17 items validated by experts and the reliability index of 0.88 and 0.95 for the two sections was obtained. Out of 622 copies of questionnaire distributed, 586 copies were collected indicating 95% return rate. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The z-test statistics was used to test the null hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed among others that inadequate implementation of curriculum have affected national cohesion and ability to face global challenges. Based on the findings it was recommended among others that government should make provision for facilities, equipment, fund and staff development packages that will enhance proper implementation. Effort should be made by the government to embed-peace studies as a subject in secondary school.

Keyword: Curriculum implementation, National Cohesion, Global Competitiveness. 




Pengaruh Kedisiplinan, Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Guru Smk Negeri 1 Bojongpicung


Windi Purwati Aprileoni; Dita Rulina & Refo Seftiawan

Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Institut Koperasi Indonesia



This study aims to determine the effect of discipline, education and training on the performance of SMK Negeri 1 Bojongpicung teachers. This study uses the slovin formula approach with a sample population taken from all teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Bojongpicung as many as 85 people. Then using the slovin formula with a total of 77 people. This research variable consists of two independent variables, namely : work discipline (X1) education and training (X2) and one dependent variable, namely : teacher performance (Y). Data collection is done by using a questionnaire. The results of data collection were further analyzed using SPSS Version 20. The results showed that the influence of discipline, education and training had a positive effect on the performance of SMK Negeri 1 Bojongpicung teachers with a contribution of 80,6%, with a rest of 19,4% the performance of SMK Negeri 1 Bojongpicung is determined by other factors outside the study.

Keyword: The influence of discipline, education and training, teacher performance at SMK Negeri 1 Bojongpicung.

Kata kunci: Pengaruh kedisiplinan. Pendidikan dan pelatihan, kinerja guru SMK Negeri 1  Bojongpicung




Teacher’s Conditions of Service as Correlate to Teacher’s Productivity in Maiduguri Metropolis’ Secondary Schools, Borno State, Nigeria


*Mustapha A. Baba Ibi (Ph.D.) **Suzanah Wasindira Gwary ***Fatima Adamu

*Department of Educational Foundations, Taraba State University, Jalingo **University of Maiduguri, Nigeria ***Student Affairs Division, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria



The study determined the correlate of conditions of service and teachers’ productivity in Secondary schools in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. The variables under study includes teachers’ pay-package, teachers’ working environment, teachers’ fringe benefits, teachers’ promotion and teachers’ job security in Maiduguri Metropolis. Five objectives and null hypotheses were tested. Using correlational research design, the population comprised of 1,164 teachers in Maiduguri Metropolis Secondary Schools. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting two hundred and ninety-one (291) teachers from thirteen (13) secondary schools. Two instruments were used for data collection. Two set of instruments were administered to respondents that elicit response on teachers’ conditions of service and that of teachers’ productivity. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability index of the instrument stood at 0.84 for teachers’ conditions of service and 0.75 for teachers’ productivity. Using PPMC, results of the study revealed that there was no significant relationship between  pay-package and teachers’ productivity, no significant relationship between working environment and teachers’ productivity, there was a significant relationship between fringe benefits and teachers’ productivity, there was no significant relationship between implementation of promotion and teachers’ productivity and there was no significant relationship between job security and teachers’ productivity in Maiduguri Metropolis Secondary Schools. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that teachers’ conditions of service such as teachers’ pay-package; teachers’ working environment; teachers’ promotion and teachers’ job security were not among factors that determine teachers’ productivity in public secondary schools in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State. It was also concluded that teachers’ fringe benefits were factors that determine teachers’ productivity in public secondary schools in Maiduguri Metropolis. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that the Borno State Government should put in place a structure that would provide teachers’ fringe benefits namely car loan, housing loan, responsibility allowance, health insurance scheme, in-service, to enhance their capacity and scholarship for teachers as a way of improving teachers’ productivity in public secondary schools in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria.

Keyword: Condition of service, teacher Productivity, fringe benefit; Job security and Pay package




Staff Motivation in Bauchi State Public Library Board


Felicia John

University Library, Bauchi State University, Gadau, Bauchi, Nigeria



This study identify and assessed the nature of motivation (incentives) provide to the staff of Bauchi State Library Board. The study was carried out through the use of survey method, adopting questionnaires as the major instrument of gathering the needed data. The data gathering were analyzed by descriptive statistics using percentages and tables necessary to explain the data. Attempt was made to analysis factors responsible for inadequate provision of motivation to the staff of the library board. The researcher recommended that the government should provide adequate funds to the library board at the appropriate time. On the other hand, the management of the board should give equal opportunity to the staff for further education and staff training programmes.

Keyword: Librarians, Library, Motivation, Public Libraries. 




Sociolingustic Analysis of Proverbs in a Yoruba Homily; an Approach from the Perspective of S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G Acronym


*Oladipo, Michael Mofeoluwa **Okata Gift Ngozi, PhD

*Babcock University, Ilishan, Ogun State **Department of Languages and Literary Studies, Babcock University Ilisan Remo. Ogun State



Language is a powerful tool in human communication. Culture is also a core aspect of human life. In fact, language is a product of culture. The failure to locate culture as the strongest index in the centrality of language use among individual language users in a connected speech within a particular speech community is a cankerworm that has militated against the appropriate use of language in today’s society. This is as a result of the fact that language and culture are inseparable. Proverbs are products of the human cultures because they are witty statements loaded with implicit truths. Culturally, proverbs can be used to address virtually all human situations. Using a total of six proverbs, selected through purposive random sampling technique and the descriptive qualitative method of analysis as framework, the study espoused relevance, contextual interpretation, themes and symbols as linguistic tools employed by Bishop Samuel Ogundeji in the presentation of his homily.  Findings showed that proverbial expressions are needed in Christian homilies. The preacher in this study embellishes his sermon with proverbs in order to engender a level of cultural affiliation with the listeners and the paper concludes that proverbs are the identifying markers in the utterances of interlocutors of a particular language. The study recommended the use of proverbs as a persuasive strategy because many listeners are attracted to expressions they can relate with their sociocultural background.

Keyword: Culture, Proverbs, interlocutors, Speech Community, Christian Homilies




The Availability of Counselling Facilities in Tertiary Institutions in Borno State, Nigeria


*Alkali Kolo Yagana **Professor Kagu Bulama **Dr. Geofrey Ali Domiya

*Department of Business Education, College of Education Maiduguri, P.M.B 1469 **Department of Education, University of Maiduguri, P.M.B.



The aim of this research paper is to evaluate the availability of counselling facilities in Tertiary Institutions in Borno State, Nigeria. Out of twelve (12) tertiary institutions in Borno State, only four (4) has established counselling centers. These institutions  include; University of Maiduguri, Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri, College of Education Waka-Biu and Umar Ibn Ibrahim El-Kanemi College of Education Science and Technology Bama. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study coprises of all the four counsellors in this four institutions. purposive sampling technique . A total of four copies of checklist were administered by the researcher and used for the study. Findings of the study revealed that there is adequate counselling facilities  in Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri and College of Education Waka-Biu, while University of Maiduguri and Umar Ibn Ibrahim El-Kanemi College of Education Science and Technology Bam, has inadequate counselling facilities. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that counselling facilities were adequate in some of the institutions while in others, counselling facilities are inadequate. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the concerned institutions should provide enough counselling facilities to those institutions with inadequate counselling facilities to enhance performance of counsellors in the institutions.

Keyword: Availability, Counselling, Facilities, Tertiary, Institutions.




An Investigation into the Meeting Point of the Three Prominent Religions in Nigeria


Olawuwo Titilade Muibat & **Akano Ezekiel Kehinde (Phd)

*Yoruba Department School of Secondary Education (Language Programmes) Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo **Christian Religious Department, School of Secondary Education (Art & Social Sciences Programmes), Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo  



Religion is a belief in one or more gods. This definition is applicable to the three prominent religions in Nigeria i.e Christianity, Islam and Traditional religion. This paper therefore examines the meeting place which is applicable to the three religious beliefs.  Since these religions are practicable in Nigeria there are some things that are common to them. All these things are found in these religions but with different names and ways of doing it. The methodology employed for this paper is oral interview  with the leaders of the religions and the adherents. Oral questions were asked by the authors from the respondents and their responses are documented and used to form the tables.  The paper concludes that all the believers or worshippers of these religions should not underrate each other and should not preach against each other. The religions head to the same place but what differs is medium of communication because one of the religions says “Thou shall not judge”. The paper concludes that whether directly or indirectly these religions are accountable to God in different ways and manners.

Keyword: Religion, Christianity, Islam, Traditional religion, beliefs, meeting point.




Effect of Drop out on Academic Performance of Female Students in Secondary Schools of Jalingo Local Government Area of Taraba Nigeria


Bilkisu, A; Monica, O; Akwayamai, P.J; Patience, K.M

Peacock College Education Jalingo, P.M.B. 2, Along FMC Way, Jalingo. Taraba State, Nigeria.



This study examined the effect of drop out on academic performance of female students in some selected secondary schools in Jalingo local Government area of Taraba State north east Nigeria. Specifically, the study was guided by three specific objectives namely; Examine socio cultural factors that led to girl students to drop out from secondary school, Examine family base factors that led girl students to drop out from secondary school, Examine school factors that led to girl students to drop out from secondary school in the study area. The research methodology shows research design, population. The sample size of the study consist of 200 teachers both junior and senior secondary school who were given questionnaires to fill for this study. The study findings have indicated that family base factors that affects the rates of girls drop out in schools in Jalingo. Family based factors are early marriage, parent’s waste money on girls because they may likely get pregnant, marrying girls to get money in terms of bride price.  School based factors that contributes to girl’s dropout in Jalingo are school learning environment, teachers, poor relationship with students, and population of classes. Socio-cultural factors that leads to girl child dropout in secondary schools include social practices implying that household prefers investing in boy’s education than girls are considered less important than boys, socio – economic status of parent’s traditional problems and are considered as source of income when married out to rich men. Based on the research findings and conclusion, it was recommended that The Ministry of Education should provide guidance and counseling services to every school in jalingo local government area in order to help students manage different problems they face while at school also non-government organizations and community members should strive to establish dormitory/hostel facilities in order to reduce girls drop out from school.

Keyword: Drop out, females, effects, performance and secondary schools.




Fundamentals of Electronic Library Set Up in Higher Institutions for Education, Learning and Research Transformation Agenda


Mohammed, Musa Saba1 (CLN); Suleiman, Saidu2 (CLN); Aremu, Adenike3 (CLN); Abdulrauf, Abdulrasaq4; and Babadoko, Aliyu Muhammad5 (CLN)

Department of Library and Information Science, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State



In the current dispensation, there is need for educational institutions particularly in Nigeria to move and be in tune with technological innovations across the globe. This will also help to position the institutions better to deliver effective and efficient educational services and thereby avail their products the opportunity for better education, learning and research in order to compete favourably across the globe. Contemporarily, we have diverse means and media to process, organize and disseminate relevant information to community of library users; electronic library is one of such media and very prominent among the academic libraries. It is a way out to meeting users’ information curiosities at appropriate time, place, and convenience, of course it provides access to wide range of relevant information resources via computers, telecommunications and associate technologies, users can enjoy the euphoria of information access from distant libraries without being physically present. It is an organized collection of relevant digital resources designed to aid teaching, learning and research. This paper is an opinion oriented by nature, its discussed critical issues in terms of concepts, setting up requirements, benefits, challenges and way forward of electronic library set up in higher institutions for appreciable education, learning and research transformation agenda..

Keyword: electronic library, academic library, users, education, technology




The Effect of Insurgency on Education among Tertiary Institutions in Maiduguri Metropolis Borno State


Babagana Mohammed1 Alhaji Lawan Kawi2 & Maryam Kyari Kanami3

1Public Administration Department Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri 2Public Administration Department Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri 3Liberal Studies Department Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri



The study stands to examine the effects of insurgency on education among tertiary institutions in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno state. Relevant literature as its relate to the study were reviewed. Frustration aggression theory is adopted as a theoretical guide for the study. By the way of methodology, the researcher uses survey method of data collection through the instrument of questionnaire administered to the target respondents. The sample size of the study is (366) out of the total population of (1390). The sampling technique is multi stage sampling which incorporate both simple random and stratify sampling technique. From the study, it is concluded it is concluded that insurgency has significantly affected education as it relates to children becoming dropout, brain drain among the available academic staff & school academic calendar among tertiary institutions in Maiduguri metropolis Borno state. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that Government should provide support to parents which will encourage them to enroll their children to school in order to avoid the chances of their children becoming dropout. Government should provide tied security that will prevent attack by the boko haram member which will enhance facilitating school activities. In an effort to address this, the government should design a workshop training to for teacher to reduce the fear and anxiety among staff which develop psychological difficulties as a result of grief at the loss or maiming colleagues which make the staff unsecure and device strategies for addressing security challenges in the affected area.

Keyword: Insurgency, Education, Tertiary Institutions.




Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills Needed by Business Education Students in Colleges of Education for Effective Entrepreneurship Practice


1Alao, Lateeafah Abiola; 2Idowu, Falilat Ajoke; 3Okegbemiro, Jamiu Okesola; 4Mustapha Afusat Aderonke;

1,3&4 School of Business of Education, Federal College of Education (Technical) GOMBE, Gombe State. 2School of Secondary Education (Business), Federal College of Education (Technical), BICHI, Kano State.



The educational programmes at all levels should be made relevant to provide the graduates with the needed entrepreneurship skill that should give adequate attention to entrepreneurial development in the country. To be able to teach entrepreneurship education, the teachers themselves, especially in business education programme at the colleges of education should be well verse in entrepreneurial skills and entrepreneurial orientation necessary to develop amongst business education students. Skills is the economic tools with which entrepreneurs acquire and solve societal problems. Graduate of business education need different skills such as human relation skills, innovative skills and problem solving skills among others to run any kind of business enterprise successfully. With the alarming rate of unemployment in the country now, it is expedient for business education students to acquire ICT skills that will sufficiently make them effective and efficient in practicing entrepreneurship to make them marketable, self-sufficient and self-reliant rather than jostling for white collar job that is not forthcoming. It is obvious that graduates are more than job created in the country. Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument. The questionnaire was retrieved and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to determine the reliability coefficient. The results gave reliability co-efficient of 0.87. The findings revealed that out of the thirteen on-line skills identified, eleven were possessed by vocational and technical education students for self-sustenance. It was discovered also that out of the 11 items, 9 of the items were required by vocational and technical The researchers recommended, among others that the ICT skills identified in this research should be included in the curriculum of Business education students so as to make them employable or self-employed upon graduation; and all hindrances to acquiring ICT skills as identify in the study should be address by stakeholders in education to improve student’s skills in ICT.

Keyword: Information and Communication Technology, skills, Entrepreneurship, Business Education




Influence of Perceived Lack of Accommodation and Self-Esteem on Academic Performance among Undergraduates of Benue State University, Makurdi


Nasiru Nuhu Garkuwa1; Daniel Benjamin Saanyol2; & Wantu, Cletus 3

1Department of Psychology, School of Education, Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare, Bauchi State. 2Department of Community Health, Ihsan College of Health Science and Technology, Azare, Bauchi State. 3Ube Junior Secondary School, Haanya-Adikpo, Kwande Lga Benue State



An investigation into the influence of perceived lack of accommodation and self-esteem on academic performance was conducted in a survey of 284 participants drawn from undergraduates of Benue State University, Makurdi. The participants made up of 186 (61.97%) males, 108 (38.03%) females took part in the study. Self developed questionnaire with 15 items and Cronbach alpha value of 663 and the Rosenberg scale develop by Morris Rosenberg in 1965 with Cronbach alpha value of 77 and 10 items were used for data collection. The findings showed there is a statistical significant relationship between perceived lack of accommodation and academic performance among undergraduates of Benue State University, Makurdi (F, df =: 281) = 52.105; p < 0.05). The findings also showed that there is no statistical significant relationship between self-esteem and academic performance among undergraduates of Benue State University, Makurdi. (F, df =: 281) = .069; p > 0.05). The findings further indicate that there is no statistical significant interaction effect of perceived lack of accommodation and self-esteem on academic performance among undergraduates of Benue State University, Makurdi (F, df = : 281) = 3.126; p > 0.05).These findings were discussed within the frame work of perceived lack of accommodation, self-esteem and academic performance. The study recommended that the state government and University managers should increase allocation of funds to provide for more hostel accommodation to facilitate learning in the school.

Keyword: Academic Performance, Lack of Accommodation, Self-Esteem, Undergraduates and University




Quality Improvement in Teaching Entrepreneurship Education in today and tomorrow’s Secondary Schools in Delta State: Rationales, Challenges and Strategies


Tonwe, U.A.C.  (Ph. D)

Post Primary Education Board (Ppeb), Asaba, Delta State



This study assessed the need for quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education in today and tomorrow’s secondary schools in Delta State: rationales, challenges and strategies. The study determined the basic rationales for quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education including the challenges inhibiting quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education and strategies for quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education in Delta State. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Population for the study comprised 480 public secondary school principals from the three Senatorial Districts in Delta State. The sample size for the study consisted of 240 principals using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The sample represented 50% of the school principals selected from the 25 LGAs within the three Senatorial Districts in Delta State. A 26-item questionnaire developed by the researcher and titled “Quality Improvement in Teaching Entrepreneurship Education Questionnaire – (QITEEQ)” served as instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was validated by three experts. The instrument was trial tested on 25 principals outside the sample area using Cronbach Alpha statistics which gave an internal consistency r-value of 0.68, showing that the questionnaire was reliable to collect the necessary data for the study. Data collated were analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation to answer the research questions. Findings of the study indicated the rationales for quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education, the challenges inhibiting quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education and likewise the strategies for quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education in Delta State. From the findings of study, some recommendations were made, among them are that the Delta State government should ensure that quality improvement in teaching entrepreneurship education in secondary schools be achieved through effective policy implementation whose programmes are set up and guided by the basic rationales which demand and necessitate promoting quality improvement in entrepreneurship education.

Keyword: Quality, Improvement, Teaching, Entrepreneurship, Education, Rationales, Challenges, Strategies




Identification and Examination of the Genesis, Connectivity and Relavance of the Goals and Philosophies on the National Education Policy Formulation.


Khalil Auwal Abdulkadir

Federal College of Education, Kano



This paper examined the identification and examination of the genesis, connectivity and relevance of the goals and philosophies on the national education policy formulation. The paper first examines the concept of Philosophy and also the overall national Philosophy, the genesis of overall national goals, concept of Policy, and also national policy on education, and the genesis of national policy on education. The relationship between national philosophy, national goals and national policy on education, The Relevance of National Philosophies and Goals on Education Policy Formulation. Based on this paper recommendations were given The Nigeria’s overall philosophy needs to clearly and unequivocally re stated to reflect the global changes affecting Nigeria. This could be done through conferences of experts in philosophy, education and other fields of economy. A strong interconnectivity between the overall philosophy, national goals and education goals as well as educational policies needs to be established. This could be done when it comes to next edition of the NPE. Government should if possible overhaul or make some adjustments in its education polices so that the Nigeria’s overall philosophy and goals could be addressed.

Keyword: Examination, Genesis, Connectivity, Relavance, Philosophies, National Education, Policy Formulation.




Corruption in Governance of Higher Education in Nigeria


Gideon, Victor Olorunfemi Ph.D & Agaba, Adah Ekoja

Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER)



Corruption has almost become a household name in Nigeria to an extent that discourses, conversations and commentaries, and scholarly articles on Nigerian economy, politics, and society tend always to involve corruption. Violent changes of government as well as democratic leadership selection invariably make references to corruption as a justification for change. Every government since the country’s independence has been assailed as either being corrupt or doing too little to fight corruption. Corruption is said to pervade every sector of the Nigerian society including education. Every stakeholder in higher education has at one time or another been accused of corruption. This study focused on stakeholders in higher education and how they relate to corruption. Observations were made and in-depth interviews conducted for data collection in selected tertiary institutions in Lagos state, South-West Nigeria. The study introduced the concept of corruption in higher education to capture corruption among stakeholders and found out that the stakeholders based their conceptions of corruption on their personal experience and occurrences in their respective institutions that revealed some elements of corruption in the governance of higher education in Nigeria. It identified the major patterns of corruption that are prevalent among stakeholders as absenteeism from duty, financial exploitation, bribery, fraudulent conduct, sexual harassment, examination malpractice, indecent dressing, and unruly behavior of stakeholders. The study found that higher education institutions are not adequately funded and the lack of carrying capacity is related to underfunding and mismanagement by agencies such as the government and the management of higher education institutions. Recommendations of the study include adequate funding of higher education by the government, strict sanctions against corrupt stakeholders, self-discipline among stakeholders, commitment to work by students and lecturers and restructuring of higher education institutions to promote academic excellence.

Keyword: Corruption, Higher education, Governance, Stakeholders, Nigeria.




Empowering the Girl-Child through Computer Science Education


Asemewalen, Nelson Osezele

Department Of Computer Science, School Of Secondary Education, Sciences, F.C.E Katsina



This paper elucidates the role of education in liberating the girl child from her common challenges such as discrimination, ignorance, inequality and lack of quality training that has led to poverty, early marriages, diseases, crimes, and loss of self confidence which confront her continually. It focused on the teaching of computer science, showing how the girl child can be empowered with its skills such that she will be able to fill the shortage in need for computer scientist, compete favourably with the men, earn good pay and become a succor to other women and her immediate family. It emphasized the application of practical/ problem solving techniques as a way to make the teaching of computer science interesting, appealing and engaging to female learners. This paper concludes by making some suggestions and recommendations that will help to boost the learning, understanding and development in computer science among female learners

Keyword: Girl child, Challenges, Empowerment, Computer Science, Learning, Practical, Problem Solving




Assessment of the Perception of Social Studies Teachers on Potency of Social Studies Education Curriculum in Reducing Divorce among the Hausa Communities in Kaduna State, Nigeria


Aishatu Yahaya Idris

Department of PES, FCE Zaria.



This study assess the perceptions on social studies teachers on the potency of social studies in reducing divorce among Hausa communities in Kaduna state. The study objectives were examine the perception of social studies teachers on the potency of social studies education curriculum in reducing high expectation in marriage among Hausa community of Kaduna state, Nigeria. Examine the perception of social studies teachers on the potency of social studies education curriculum in the level of interference in marriage among Hausa community of Kaduna state, Nigeria. Find the perception of social studies teachers on the potency of social studies education curriculum in the intimacy marriage among Hausa community of Kaduna state, Nigeria. Research questions, hypotheses were all in line with objectives, the study used survey design, the population of the study was 1800, while a sample size of 180 questionnaires was used as means of data collection, frequency. The findings of eh study revealed that from the analysis conducted it was discovered that: (1). potency of social studies education curriculum reduces high expectation in marriage among Hausa communities of Kaduna state. The t-test conducted further shows that there is no significance difference between the mean perception of respondents (p>0.05) level of significant (2) potency of social studies education curriculum can contribute in reducing in-laws interference in marriage among Hausa community. The t-test conducted shows a t statistic of 0.37, df of 398 and p-value of 0.054 indicating a statistical significant difference between the mean perception of respondents. The study concluded that Based on data analysis, test of hypothesis and findings of this study, it can be concluded that: potency of social studies education curriculum reduces high expectation in marriage among Hausa communities of Kaduna state, potency of social studies education curriculum can contribute in reducing in-laws interference in marriage among Hausa community and potency of social studies education curriculum can contribute in increasing intimacy in marriage among Hausa community. It was observed that there is significant relationship between social studies curriculum and in-law interference, intimacy and high expectation among Hausa community in Kaduna state.

Keyword: Assessment, Perception of Social Studies Teachers, Social Studies Education Curriculum and Hausa Communities in Kaduna State, Nigeria




Managing and Funding Early Childhood Education in Nigeria: The Way Forward


Hassan Mohammad Taofik

Feredal College of Education Katsina, Katsina State.



This paper expresses the current management and financing procedures of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Nigeria with the sole goal of suggesting practical strategies for its ok investment and management. The paper acknowledges the commitment and effort of the Nigerian Governments and the assistance of the groups, people and overseas sponsors in funding ECE programs. The paper emphases that there may be nonetheless a long way to head towards imparting good enough management and finances for preschool education, instructors/caregivers. The delivering of appropriate facilities and stimulating gaining knowledge of substances in addition to supervision of ECCD programs. Towards this cease expanded government allocations, sustained worldwide assist, economic allocation to ECE teacher training institutions, equity funding and price-sharing strategies were encouraged.

Keyword: Early Childhood, Education, Funding, Strategies, Sustenance.




Incentives Andemployees of Polytechnics in the Northeast Nigeria: The Nexus.


Mohammed Rabiu Mohammed,

Registry Department, the Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi.



The study is aimed at examining the relationship between incentives and employees within the Polytechnics in Northeast Nigeria. The research was quantitative and explanatory, where a cross-sectional survey of 722 Academic and senior non-Academic staff of 10 Polytechnics in Northeast Nigeria was carried out using random sampling techniques. However, data were collected using a structured questionnaire, distributed with the aid of field assistants; the data were analyzed via IBM SPSS software version 2.0. The analyses of the variables Incentive, Employees (performance, Motivation, Job satisfaction) show a positive and significant relationship between incentive and job performance, motivation and job satisfaction. It was recommended that the Polytechnics incentives schemes should be adequately times and ensure justice and fairness in their implementation to motivate, incentives should be, actually, linked with the performance level of staff, which clearly differentiates between employees according to their performance, as this will encourage employees to do their best to improve their performance, productivity and job satisfaction, regardless of their job title.

Keyword: Incentive, Employee, Motivation, Performance, Job Satisfaction.




Existential Realism an Edifice for Vocational Technical Education in Contemporary Nigeria


*Benedicta Ehi. Momodu; *Maha Mark Okem and **Paul J. Ireyefoju

*Department of Educational Foundations, Federal College of Education (Tech), Asaba **Department of Educational Foundations, College of Education, Warri



Existential realism as educational philosophy for Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) in contemporary Nigeria is aimed at inculcating in the basic vocational technical education (BVTE) learner the spirit of self-reliance, self-realisation, self-sufficiency, self-employment, creativity, rationality, and above all towards becoming an independent-thinking-feeling being with the ability to provide alternative measures to happenings in his environment. The adoption of existential realism in contemporary Nigeria is to discourage stereotype, dogmatism, unquestionable attitude, inferiority complex as attributes of the natural mind and encourage critical thinking with the capacity to conceptualize the self as being-in-the-world. It is also an attempt to discourage the much emphasis on scientific, naturalistic and technological principles as the most authentic way of discovering nature or reality in the contemporary world. The purpose of this paper and major importance we can derive from existential realism as a philosophy of education lies in the belief that a search for new vision of the individual and a country’s destiny must be guided by what the people considered as reality, knowledge and values. And, what education can help them to achieve as a people. In realizing this goal and other educational goals, the authors employed the phenomenological approach in analyzing vocational technical education as agency of development, philosophy of existential realism, and building VTE upon a philosophy. From this viewpoint, it was inferred that building an educational system on a given philosophy, within the context of social standards and social reality, is to provide the learner with a roadmap on how he could provide workable solutions to the challenges that confront him in his environment.

Keyword: Upper Basic Education Learner, Vocational Technical Education, Existential Realism, Philosophy, Contemporary Nigeria




Effects of Teacher Subject Mastery on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Jalingo Local Government Area of Taraba State.


Duru, Precious Onyekachi; Dominic, Gladys Zugwai; Udoha, Chidiebube; and Ochuba Perpetua Chidimma.

Peacock College of Education Jalingo, P.M.B. 2, Along FMC Way, Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria.



This research work was carried out to study the effects of teacher subject mastery on the academic performance of secondary school students in Jalingo L.G.A. The main objectives of this study were to determine the effect of teacher subject mastery, teacher years of experience and teacher professional qualification on the academic performance of secondary school students in selected secondary schools in Jalingo, and their involvement in examination malpractice. Data were collected using Questionnaire. Five (5) schools were sampled, in each of the schools, ten (10) teachers were selected to participate in the study, making a total number of fifty (50) teachers in all. The data collected in this study were analyzed through descriptive statistics. The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and simple percentage. In addition, mean and standard deviation were used to provide answers to the research questions. All research questions were answered at 2.5 level of significance. However, this study revealed that subject mastery significantly affects the academic performance of secondary school students in Jalingo. The study recommends that continuous training workshops and seminars should be organised for practicing teachers, school administrators should devise means to identify and tackle weaknesses in teachers’ subject knowledge; and subject mastery should be a criterion for recruitment of teachers in secondary schools.

Keyword: Subject Mastery, Teaching experience, Professional, Academic Performance, Examination Malpractice.




Evaluation of Antibacterial and Antifungal Bioactivities of Root Bark Extracts of Cassia Sieberiana


1Magashi, L.A., 2Adamu, H.M., 2Kolo, A.M. And 2Hassan, U.F.

1Chemistry Department, Kaduna State College of Education Gidan waya, p.m.b.1024 Kafanchan 2Chemistry Department, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, p.m.b. 0248 Bauchi – Nigeria



Root barks of Cassia sieberiana (A) were extracted with soxhlet extractor using methyl acetate, MeOH and % 70 MeOH as solvents and the extracts were concentrated under reduced pressure. Bioassays of the extracts against 10 common human pathogenic bacteria and 5 species of fungi were carried out using well diffusion methods. The results showed a significance of activities against the test organisms compared to Ciprofloxacin standard. Zones of inhibition observed against test compounds (A) showed a very good inhibitory activities against test fungi compared to Itraconazole standard and methyl acetate extract showed a wider spectrum activities against tested organisms. Therefore, based on this findings C. sieberiana can best be used as antibiotic.

Keyword: Evaluation, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Methyl acetate and Cassia sieberiana




Extent of Teachers’ Involvement in School Management for Quality Assurance in Secondary Schools in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja


Adesina Omolara Adeola

Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi



Teachers are one of the important agents in the management of secondary schools especially when it comes to impacting on students’ learning. Being at the forefront of students’ learning in the classroom, teachers are expected to contribute greatly towards the management or administration of the school for quality assurance to be enhanced. But there are difficult scenarios or cases whereby many teachers including those in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, have complained bitterly concerning their lack of involvement in school management which has equally affected their commitment and dedication to work. These poor scenarios have kept teachers in some tight corners and affected quality assurance in many secondary schools in the FCT. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the extent of teachers’ involvement in school management for quality assurance in secondary schools in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. Four research questions were raised in the study. The study employed the descriptive survey research design. Population of the study constituted a total of 3,339 secondary school teachers in 62 public secondary schools from the 6 LGAs in the FCT, Abuja. Sample size of the study comprised 668 teachers from 50 public secondary schools within the 6 LGAs in the FCT, selected using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. 20% of the teachers and 80% of the public secondary schools population were selected as sample for the study. A 35-item questionnaire developed by the researcher and titled “Extent of Teachers’ Involvement in School Management for Quality Assurance Questionnaire (ETISMQAQ)” served as instrument for data collection. Construction of the questionnaire was guided by the purpose of the study and research questions. This research instrument was structured on a 4 point scale of Very High Extent (VHE), High Extent (HE), Low Extent (LE) and Very Low Extent (VLE). The questionnaire was validated by three experts from the Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi. Reliability of the instrument was established through a pilot-test. The scores obtained were measured using Cronbach Alpha statistics which yielded an overall internal consistency reliability value of 0.78, showing that the instrument was trustworthy and reliable. Data were analyzed using mean scores which were rated at 2.50 and standard deviation. Findings of the study revealed among others that teachers’ were involved in school management at a certain degree of a low extent. The extent to which teachers were involved in instructional leadership, staff management and financial management activities for quality assurance in secondary schools in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria, were all to a low extent. It was also discovered through the finding that the to which teachers were involved in extracurricular activities for quality assurance in secondary schools in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria, was to a high extent. From the findings of this study recommendations were made and among them include that principals should constantly and highly involve teachers in instructional leadership activities in order to ensure that quality assurance is fostered in the school.

Keyword: Extent, Teachers, Involvement, School, Management, Quality Assurance